Publications and Presentations
- Hideaki Goto, ``Building a national Secure Wi-Fi infrastructure with international roaming - Supporting the society and education in the digital era -,'' 59th Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting (APAN59), IAM Session,
Mar. 4, 2025.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Accelerating OpenRoaming adoption: Cityroam's deployment strategies with OpenRoaming and eduroam,'' WBA Wireless Global Congress Asia PAC 2025, 2025.1.21.
- 原田寛之, 後藤英昭, 漆谷重雄,
``6GHz帯を利用した次世代キャンパス無線LAN環境の検証と課題 (Survey of Next Generation Campus Wireless LAN Environment Using 6GHz Band and Issues),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2024年度年次大会 論文集 12PM1C-3, 2024.
- 原田寛之, 後藤英昭,
``コミュニティベースのWi-Fiポジショニングシステムを活用したeduroam基地局の位置情報データ生成と可視化の改善 (Improvement of eduroam access point location data generation and visualization using a community-based Wi-Fi positioning system),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2024年度年次大会 論文集 12PM1C-4, 2024.
- 後藤英昭, 原田寛之, 漆谷重雄,
``無線LANローミングにおける個人データ活用と認証負荷削減のためのオフライン属性共有手法 (Offline Attribute Sharing Method for Personal Data Utilization and Authentication Load Reduction in Wireless LAN Roaming),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2024年度年次大会 論文集 10AM1B-1, 2024.
- Hideaki Goto,
``Disruption-tolerant Local Authentication Method for Network Roaming Systems,''
Journal of Information Processing (JIP), Vol.32, pp.407-416, 2024.
- 原田寛之, 後藤英昭, 漆谷重雄,
(Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Campus LAN Using Millimeterwave Inter site Communications in Snowy Areas),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2023年度年次大会 論文集 14PM1Y-2, 2023.
- 後藤英昭, 原田寛之, 漆谷重雄,
(Venue Information Notification on eduroam/OpenRoaming),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2023年度年次大会 論文集 14PM2Y-1, 2023.
- 後藤英昭, 原田寛之, 漆谷重雄,
(Passwordless Configuration of eduroam/OpenRoaming Using Wi-Fi Profile),''
学術情報処理研究, Vol.27, No.1, pp.197-204, 2023.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Next-generation secure public Wi-Fi supporting the digital society - eduroam/OpenRoaming combined deployment in Cityroam -,''
Techincal 4 - JANOG session, APNIC56, 2023.
- 後藤英昭, ``セキュア公衆無線LANローミング基盤Cityroam/OpenRoamingの技術と導入について,''
CKP夏の研究会 2023, 2023.7.
- Hideaki Goto, ``eduroam/OpenRoaming combined deployment in Cityroam,''
Mobility Day, TNC23, 2023.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Behind the Scenes - OpenRoaming implementation in TOKYO FREE Wi-Fi,'' WBA OpenRoaming Implementers Call (WBA internal), 25 Apr., 2023.
- 原田寛之, 後藤英昭, 漆谷重雄,
(Survey and investigation of connection methods for IoT devices and peripherals in eduroam, an academic wireless LAN roaming infrastructure),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2022年度年次大会 論文集 13PM2C-2, 2022.
- 後藤英昭, 原田寛之, 漆谷重雄,
(Passwordless Configuration of eduroam/OpenRoaming Using Wi-Fi Profile),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2022年度年次大会 論文集 13PM1C-4, 2022.
- 後藤英昭, ``5G時代におけるセルラーと無線LANの連携・コンバージェンス,''
地域間インタークラウド分科会 (RICC), 2022/9/9.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Introduction of eduroam and its development as a national information infrastructure,''
54th Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting (APAN54),
Training: Identity Federation, Aug. 2022.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Disruption-tolerant Local Authentication Method for Continuous and Secure In-Flight Wireless LAN,''
COMPSAC 2022 / SDIM 2022, pp.1587-1591,
June 27-July 1, 2022.
- Hideaki Goto, ``eduroam/OpenRoaming combined deployment in Cityroam,''
53rd Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting (APAN53),
IAM WG Meeting, March 2022.
- 後藤英昭, 原田寛之, 漆谷重雄,
(Off-campus eduroam and Deployment of OpenRoaming at Universities),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2021年度年次大会 論文集 FC1-3, 2021.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Continuous and Secure In-Flight Wireless LAN with Roaming,'' The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2021) (poster presentation), Dec. 2021.
(Extended Abstract + Slides)
- 後藤英昭, ``セキュア無線LANローミング基盤eduroam, Cityroam, OpenRoamingの技術と開発動向,''
ITRC meet50 INI分科会, 2021.11.24.
- 後藤英昭, ``Tokyo2021 OpenRoaming / Passpoint Trial 実施報告,''
Vol.54, No.4, pp.34-38, 2021.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Off-campus eduroam deployment and WBA OpenRoaming Update 2021,''
52nd Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting (APAN52),
IAM WG Meeting, 2021.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Off-campus eduroam deployment and WBA OpenRoaming,''
51st Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting (APAN51),
IAM WG Meeting, 2021.
- Hideaki Goto,
``Inter-Federation Roaming Architecture for Large-Scale Wireless LAN Roaming Systems,''
Journal of Information Processing (JIP), Volume 29, pp.103-112, 2021.
- 後藤英昭, 原田寛之, 漆谷重雄,
``キャンパス無線LANと公衆無線LANの統合 - eduroamとCityroam, OpenRoaming -
(Integration of Campus Wireless LAN and Public Wireless LAN - eduroam, Cityroam, and OpenRoaming -),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2020年度年次大会 論文集 WA2-1, 2020.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Cityroam and OpenRoaming, Providing Secure Public Wireless LAN Services with eduroam,''
50th Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Meeting (APAN50),
IAM WG Meeting, 2020.
- Kazunari Irie and Hideaki Goto,
``Automatic Roaming Consortium Discovery and Routing for Inter-federation Wireless LAN Roaming System,''
Journal of Information Processing (JIP), Volume 28, pp.378-378, 2020.
- 後藤英昭, 原田寛之, 中村素典,
(Updates on eduroam and the Next Generation Hotspot),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2019年度年次大会 論文集 TH2-2, 2019.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Updates on eduroam/NGH and City Wi-Fi Roaming 2018-2019,''
Mobility Day, TNC19, 2019.
- 原田寛之, 後藤英昭,
``学術無線LANローミング基盤eduroamと次世代ホットスポット基盤Cityroamのキャンパスへの展開 (Deploying a Campus-Wide Wireless Network: eduroam and the Next Generation Hotspot Infrastructure Cityroam),''
大学ICT推進協議会 2018年度年次大会 論文集 MA1-5, 2018.
- Kazunari Irie and Hideaki Goto,
``Automatic Roaming Consortium Discovery and Routing for Large-Scale Wireless LAN Roaming Systems,''
2018 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), pp.374-379, 2018.
- Hideaki Goto, ``Cityroam, Providing Secure Public Wireless LAN Services with International Roaming,''
RTUWO'18 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications,
pp.204-208, 2018.
- Hideaki Goto, ``eduroam on Passpoint/NGH Updates
and the City Wi-Fi Roaming,'' Mobility Day, TNC18, 2018.
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